First Year Applicants

The admission process at Fairfield University is holistic. Our belief in the importance of a thorough and careful review of all aspects of your application reflects our mission as a Jesuit institution. We seek to educate the whole person, and our admission practices reflect that goal.

For that reason, the submission of SAT/ACT test results is optional at Fairfield. To learn more, please refer to our Standardized Test Optional Policy below, in addition to our Admission FAQs section.

Fairfield University recognizes the Common Application as its own application form. If you are applying as a first year student, both your application and the following items must be submitted by the admission deadline (Please note that school counselors and teachers submitting supporting documents are welcome to do so up to two weeks after the student admission deadline):

We regard your academic record from high school as the most important part of your application for admission. Although we certainly consider your final grade point average and overall record over four years, we do look deeper, considering your performance during each year in high school. We look for students who have challenged themselves at the appropriate level, and not only consider your final grades, but the quality of the academic program you have pursued.

In deciding whether or not to submit your standardized test scores, consider your overall academic record. Your decision should be based on whether you believe your scores are an accurate representation of your academic abilities.

While your academic record is clearly a critical element of the entire admission application, we are also interested in the personal qualities, talents, and interests that you will bring to our campus community. We want to know about your extra-curricular involvement, the quality of your writing as reflected in the personal statement, and the reflections of teachers, counselors, and others who submit recommendations on your behalf.

Important Dates

Early Action

Students who consider Fairfield University to be among their top choices and would like to have their application reviewed early may submit their application under our Early Action program. Applicants for Early Action must submit the completed application by November 1.