Online Quiz: Boat Licence Course

This quiz is not mandatory, but is recommended help your learning as part of the Pre-Study of becoming Boat Wise and for securing your NSW Boat Licence.

This is a multiple choice exam comprising 72 questions. The average completion time of this exam is one hour.

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Question 1 of 71
1 . Question

The Captain of a vessel has a duty of care to:

Question 2 of 71
2 . Question

What will happen if you offer a testing officer a bribe to pass your test?

Question 3 of 71
3 . Question

Children aged under 12 years must wear a lifejacket:

Question 4 of 71
4 . Question

A Captain of a vessel can be held liable for negligence if they:

Question 5 of 71
5 . Question

The following is an example of a foreseeable risk of harm that a Captain has a duty to prevent:

Question 6 of 71
6 . Question

A Captain can be held liable for a breach of their duty of care even if they did not intend to cause harm.

Question 7 of 71
7 . Question
What is the minimum age to obtain a general boat driving licence in New South Wales? Question 8 of 71
8 . Question

What is the minimum distance you must keep from swimmers when driving a vessel?

Question 9 of 71
9 . Question

What are the 3 things you should do if you are involved in a boating accident?

Question 10 of 71
10 . Question

If there is property damage, you should exchange contact information with the other parties involved in the accident, including:

Question 11 of 71
11 . Question

If there is any injury, death, or property damage over $5,000, you are required to report the accident to the NSW Maritime Authority within:

Question 12 of 71
12 . Question

How should you care for your lifejackets?

Question 13 of 71
13 . Question

When must inflatable lifejackets be serviced?

Question 14 of 71
14 . Question

What is a fire extinguisher?

Question 15 of 71
15 . Question

What is a flare?

Question 16 of 71
16 . Question

When must you carry a waterproof torch on a powered vessel (other than a personal watercraft)?

Question 17 of 71
17 . Question

What is the minimum number of distress flares you must carry on a vessel on open waters?

Question 18 of 71
18 . Question

Where is the safest place to build your boating experience?

Question 19 of 71
19 . Question

What is an example of a tidal impact to consider when you are planning to go on the water?

Question 20 of 71
20 . Question

Can waves be higher than the ‘significant wave height’ in a weather forecast?

Question 21 of 71
21 . Question

If keeping a proper lookout is difficult, you should:

Question 22 of 71
22 . Question

How should you pass a vehicular ferry in a channel?

Question 23 of 71
23 . Question

What sound signal indicates that a vessel is operating engines astern to stop, slow or reverse?

Question 24 of 71
24 . Question

Before travelling under bridges or overhead powerlines, what is the most important thing to consider?

Question 25 of 71
25 . Question

When driving through a mooring area you need to:

Question 26 of 71
26 . Question

What should you do if you see a speed sign while driving your vessel?

Question 27 of 71
27 . Question

Why must you drive your vessel at a speed that minimises the wash it creates?

Question 28 of 71
28 . Question

What is the responsibility of the observer on board a vessel towing people?

Question 29 of 71
29 . Question

Can you tow someone through the water while they hold on to your vessel’s swim platform?

Question 30 of 71
30 . Question

When towing, where must you face if you are the observer?

Question 31 of 71
31 . Question

When using navigational lead marks, you should:

Navigational Lead Marks

Question 32 of 71
32 . Question

What is the biggest danger to be aware of when operating near rocks or reefs?

Question 33 of 71
33 . Question

What does an orange diamond shape signify when displayed on a ferry?

Question 34 of 71
34 . Question

What is the minimum distance you should anchor your vessel from an underwater (submarine) cable?

Question 35 of 71
35 . Question

When can you throw rubbish overboard on NSW waterways?

Question 36 of 71
36 . Question

To reduce your impact on the marine environment, where should you avoid anchoring your vessel?

Question 37 of 71
37 . Question

If you see a whale and its calf in the water ahead of your vessel you should:

Question 38 of 71
38 . Question

If you require assistance at sea but there is no immediate danger to the vessel or the people onboard, which emergency words will you use on marine radio?

Question 39 of 71
39 . Question

What added safety device is recommended to reduce the risk of toxic gases on boats with engines?

Question 40 of 71
40 . Question

How many lifejackets do you need on your vessel?

Question 41 of 71
41 . Question

You are entering open waters in a powered vessel (not a personal watercraft) less than 4.8 metres long. What type of lifejacket must you wear?

Question 42 of 71
42 . Question

Where should safety equipment be stored on board?

Question 43 of 71
43 . Question

Should you check weather updates while boating?

Question 44 of 71
44 . Question

When should you consider reducing the number of people on board your vessel from the maximum recommended on its Safety Label?

Question 45 of 71
45 . Question

You are driving a vessel when your vision is suddenly affected by glare from the sun. You should:

Question 46 of 71
46 . Question

When overtaking another vessel:

Overtaking Vessels

Question 47 of 71
47 . Question

Do sailing vessels have right of way over powered vessels at all times?

Question 48 of 71
48 . Question

Where must you drive a vessel when in a channel?

Question 49 of 71
49 . Question

When driving a powered vessel at any speed or towing a water skier, what is the minimum safe distance you must keep both the vessel and the skier from a person in the water, where possible?

Safe Distance from Skiier

Question 50 of 71
50 . Question

When assessing if you are driving your vessel at a safe speed, you must consider:

Question 51 of 71
51 . Question

How does drinking alcohol affect your ability to drive your vessel?

Question 52 of 71
52 . Question

‘Bow riding’ is illegal and dangerous. Which of the following is an example of bow riding?

Question 53 of 71
53 . Question

To safely travel downstream (towards the sea), you should keep the green channel mark:

Question 54 of 71
54 . Question

What navigation mark is this and what does it show?

Navigational Marks

Question 55 of 71
55 . Question

You are driving a powered vessel over 7 metres long at 7 knots or more, between sunset and sunrise. What navigation lights must your vessel display?

Question 56 of 71
56 . Question

When returning over a coastal bar, the safest option is to:

Question 57 of 71
57 . Question

When should the radio message ‘mayday’ be used?

Question 58 of 71
58 . Question

Why do you need to take extra precautions when boating on cold water?

Question 59 of 71
59 . Question

In the picture, which is the giveway vessel and what sound signal might it make before turning?

Give Way and Sound Signals

Question 60 of 71
60 . Question

During darkness, how many white flashes would be seen from this Cardinal Mark?

Question 61 of 71
61 . Question

Looking at the cardinal mark pictured, what would be the safest side to drive your vessel?

Question 62 of 71
62 . Question

When is it recommended you wear a Lifejacket, PFD or Buoyancy Aid?

Question 63 of 71
63 . Question

When must you carry an EPIRB (Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon) on your vessel?

Question 64 of 71
64 . Question

What does this flag indicate?

Question 65 of 71
65 . Question

Vessel A is using its sails and Vessel B is using its engine. Who must give way?

Question 66 of 71
66 . Question

When travelling downstream (towards the sea), on which side of your vessel should you keep the red channel mark?

Question 67 of 71
67 . Question

What does this sign mean?

A sign indicating the number

Question 68 of 71
68 . Question

Who must pay attention to the messages on aquamark minibuoys?

Question 69 of 71
69 . Question

What is the general rule when anchoring in calm waters?

Question 70 of 71
70 . Question

When driving at 6 knots or more behind another vessel, what is the minimum distance you must keep between the vessels, where possible?

Question 71 of 71
71 . Question

A vessel at anchor between sunset and sunrise must display: