If you think someone is a danger to themselves or others contact a Local Agency in your area.
Psychiatric Advance Directives (PADs) are legal documents that allow persons with mental illness to state, in advance of a crisis, their preferences for treatment. For more information please visit Crisis Navigation Project.
Effective April 1, 2024, Session Law 2023-103 requires electronic filing of documents related to the involuntary commitment process in counties that have implemented the electronic filing system commonly known as eCourts. Faxing or submission through secure electronic transmission will no longer be allowed in those counties in Tracks 1-3, as listed on the eCourts | North Carolina Judicial Branch (nccourts.gov) website. You will need to create a Firm Account to gain access to eFile North Carolina. To register for a Firm Account, please visit eFile NC - Landing Page (tylertech.cloud). Individual practitioners would also register for a Firm Account. For larger organizations, please also create administrators for your site. Individuals can register for training here or through the eFiling section at https://www.nccourts.gov/ecourts.
Other related court forms for commitment are available at www.nccourts.org.
Below are introductory modules. Reviewing these do not qualify a licensed professional as a commitment examiner. To become a Certified Commitment Examiner, please email Tanya Thacker at the email address below.
For general information about the involuntary commitment process please contact us at IVCCommunication@dhhs.nc.gov.