This page is intended to contain examples of thesis (MSc or PhD). Below are references to various examples.
Since version 2.0 LyX comes with a thesis template. You find it in LyX's installation folder in the subfolder Resources\examples\thesis .
Note: If the title page provided by your university cannot be easily converted to Lyx it is possible to insert another title page in the form of a PDF file as such. Insert > File > External Material. supply the path to your PDF file, and select "PDF pages" from the dropdown menu. Then replace the complete first page in the Lyx document by this LaTeX command box (Evil Red Text, Ctrl-L): \renewcommand\maketitle<> so that KOMA script doesn't complain about a missing title.
This archived site used to provide links to LyX templates of different universities:
Andr� Miede's beautiful Classic Thesis style for LaTeX, a true homage to Robert Bringhurst's Elements of Typographic Style, can easily be used with LyX. The full template is available for download at bitbucket. The template is self-contained, and uses the local layout feature (meaning you don't have to install LyX .layout files): unpack, open with LyX and compile. You may need to have classicthesis.sty installed separately (with TeX Live on Debian/Ubuntu it comes with the package texlive-publishers ). The template also contains stylish examples of article, book and CV based on the same typographical principles from classicthesis.sty .