How to Apply for Planning Permission

To apply for planning permission complete the following steps:

The following information will take you step by step through making a planning application, either electronically via the ePlanning Portal or by submitting a hard copy of the required documentation.

ePlanning Portal

Meath County Council’s e-Planning portal is now live and accepting planning applications online.

The new portal, which can be accessed at , allows agents, developers and members of the public to lodge their applications and make submissions electronically, and will run as an alternative option to the existing paper-based system.

The portal allows you to:

Hard Copy (Paper-Based) Applications

The Planning Permission Application Pack is to be submitted when applying for permission for one-off houses in a rural location, commercial, agricultural, residential developments, etc.

  1. Download and complete the planning permission application pack below. If you need any help please see our Contact Planning page
  2. Advertise proposed application in any of the newspapers and submit this notice with application within 14 days of the advertisement
  3. Place a Site Notice adjacent to the site
  4. Submit complete application form together with appropriate fee and the required documents listed below:

If the application is for outline permission only, the documents marked * in the above list must be submitted. This is to enable the Planning Authority to make a decision in relation to the siting, layout or other proposals for development in the application.

Planning Documentation Required

Planning Application Fees (PDF, 665.99 kb) Planning Permission Application Pack Planning Permission Application Form (RTF, 378.31 kb) Planning Permission Application Form (PDF, 99.57 kb) Comhairle Contae na Mí-Foirm Iarratais Phleanála (pdf) (PDF, 71.31 kb) Local Needs Form (MSWORD, 37.38 kb) Local Needs Form (PDF, 131.23 kb) Sample Newspaper Notice (MSWORD, 25.09 kb) Fogra Nuachtain (MSWORD, 25.09 kb) Site Notice (MSWORD, 28.67 kb) Fógra Suíomh (MSWORD, 38.91 kb) Site Notice Following Request for Further Information (MSWORD, 13.26 kb) Supplementary information for agricultural developments (PDF, 502.96 kb) Approved Newspapers for Notices 2023 (MSWORD, 14.94 kb)

***Phase out of acceptance of USB Keys from Tuesday 2nd April 2024***

We wish to notify agents that due to the increasing threat to cyber security, the Planning Dept will no longer accept USB keys or CD’s as part of a Planning applications or for submission of Further Information documentation.

Agents and the Public can utilise the following options to lodge applications/ Further information:

Please email the Planning Dept, to request a secure link to upload your information and give details of the Planning Application the further information request refers to.

ShareFile_External_Users_guide_with_link (MSWORD, 490.48 kb)

Guide to Submitting a Valid Planning Application and Frequently Asked Questions

Guide to Submitting a Valid Planning Application (PDF, 767.27 kb) Frequently Asked Questions about Submitting a Valid Planning Application (PDF, 648.10 kb)

Certificate of Exemption (Social & Affordable Housing)

An application for an Exemption Certificate (Section 97) should be completed for certain small residential developments which are excluded from the social and affordable housing provisions.

Under Part V, Section 96 of the Planning and Development Act 2000 as amended, all residential developments on residential zoned lands or zoned lands where residential use is a pre-dominant use e.g. mixed use zoning, are required to provide social and affordable housing to an application for permission for the development of houses on land .

Under Section 97 of the Act, a person may, before applying for permission in respect of development consisting of

(a) the provision of 4 or fewer houses, or

(b) for housing on land of 0.1 hectares or less,

you should apply to the Planning Authority concerned for a certificate stating that Section 96 shall not apply to a grant of permission in respect of the development concerned and accordingly where the Planning Authority grants a certificate under Section 97, Section 96 shall not apply to a grant of permission in respect of the development concerned.

Th e new provisions relating to Part V are effective from 3rd September 2021.